Thursday, March 22, 2018

21A - Reading Reflection no. 2

The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users

1.) The theme of this book was how to utilize social media to build your brand, and how to do so in a professional manner. A recurring theme was to be positive on social media and have a positive presence (for example, by limiting negative interactions or debates to three "rounds").

2.) The book connected to ENT 3003 because it focused on self-advocating and building a brand to make your business idea succeed. It gave specific tips, like using pictures/graphics/videos in your posts and using hashtags to advocate for yourself and your brand. Being a presence on social media helps with networking and finding future connections, which is something this class also focuses on.

3.) If I had to design an exercise for this class based on the book, I would say it should be to create social media accounts for your business idea. You would have to upload content for assignments, use hashtags, graphics, and only have positive interactions with other users.

4.) A big "aha" moment for me when reading this book was when it talked about posting across social media platforms to promote your work, like using Twitter and Facebook status updates to promote a new blog post. I usually only post to one social media platform at a time because I figured people would get sick of seeing me post the same thing on all platforms, and that may have been hurting my social media draw this whole time.On more noteworthy "aha" moment for me was the idea of saving hashtags to use for specific social media posts, like "good morning" hashtags. If they're saved somewhere, you don't have to come up with new hashtags for similar posts, and you can just copy and paste the hashtags into your post.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kyleigh. I think focusing on posting mainly positive messages on social media is important both personally and professionally. You mentioned the technique of limiting negative interaction to three “rounds”… Could you elaborate on this technique and how it could be used for our entrepreneurship assignments? I like your assignment idea of creating a social media account for our “brands”. The only issue is socials are forever, so anything posted would be linked to that brand idea. Perhaps we could do mock social posts, with hashtags, etc.
