Friday, March 2, 2018

14A - Halfway Reflection, Tenacity & Paying it Forward

1) Behaviors I've used to stay on top of this course have been pre-planning and time management. Once I finish the assignments for the week, I take a look at the next week's assignments so I have an idea of how hard or easy the next assignment will be, rather than waiting until the day it's due to look at it and find out. Some assignments are more time consuming than others, so a majorly helpful behavior is looking ahead to account for any assignments that might be more time-consuming than the others. It sucks to look at an assignment the night it's due and realize you're going to have to wprk 3x as fast because there's a ridiculous amount of work you have to do by 11:59.

Image result for panicking typing gif

2) A moment I felt like giving up was at this point earlier in the semester when we were supposed to choose one of our bugs to start developing. I couldn't choose between two of my ideas and kept going back and forth between them, and at one point I was frustrated because I don't even want to be an entrepreneur. I felt overwhelmed because I didn't think either of my ideas were realistic for me to create and built up on my own, but I realized that isn't the point of the class. It's more about honing our abilities to spot opportunities and come up with solutions, and learn how to plan out our business platform while shaping the idea to fit consumers' needs. The idea we come up with isn't an end-all be-all, it's just a starting point for entrepreneurial thinking for the rest of our lives.

3) Three tips:
-Get into the habit of opening your Canvas calendar every day. If you're on top of due dates and assignments coming up, you won't be as stressed out or feel as overwhelmed, especially if you do smaller assignments early to account for time you need to study for exams and other work on bigger projects.
-If you have an idea or find something that bothers you that could be turned into an opportunity, keep lists in your notes app on your phone. I never have a pad and paper around to write ideas and observations down, but I always have my phone on me, so I use my notes app and it helps a LOT.
- Go into the class with an open mind. If you legitimately try to come up with bugs for the bug list, you'll get excited at the various opportunities you can pursue. If you just try to get it over with for the sake of completion, you aren't going to have a good time in the class and every assignment will feel like bs. What you put into the class is what you get from it.


  1. Hi Kyleigh,
    I would definitely recommend your advice to new ENT3003 students. Checking the next week’s assignments is very important so that you can adjust your time commitments appropriately depending on the assignments’ difficulty. I agree that success in this class depends on each student’s willingness to delve into their own customized material. The more interested someone is on their idea, the more fun they’ll have and the more interesting it’ll be. I also try to record ideas as they arrive so that I can look into them later on. It’s very interesting to read my own writing after I’ve forgotten about it.

  2. Hey Kyleigh,
    You gave some great advice! I honestly completely forgot about the Canvas calendar and haven't used it since my first semester Freshman year, I might have to get back into that habit (although a lot of my classes don't get on it). I also agree that looking at an assignment half an hour before it's due and realizing that it's so much more work than you expected is an awful feeling.
    But having an open mind and and keeping notes are both good suggestions that anyone taking this class in the future should take to heart. Also, speaking to your peers about your ideas is a good plan. You need immediate reception and feedback in order to push through this course.
