Friday, March 16, 2018

16A - What's Your Special Sauce?

1. Five things I bring to the table are my leadership abilities, confidence, artistic abilities, ability to articulate my thoughts, and my determination. Any one of these qualities could be found in millions of people, but together I think these qualities have set me up for success in whatever the future holds. I think that I have leadership skills relating to keeping peers on task, making sure my group/team is working together, delegating disputes, listening to my peers' ideas and implementing them, making sure we're on schedule, and not becoming a dictator in the process. My confidence comes from a combination of doing mock trial and theatre in high school- it's always anxiety-inducing to go up onto a stage and speak, but I think these things have helped me become more desensitized to it than most people. My artistic eye comes from my mom, and it helps me in every facet of my life, from designing my interior design projects, the songs I compose on piano, how I decorate my bedroom, to how I design a presentation for a convention. The ability to articulate my thoughts comes from my dad. We're both focused on finding the right word to describe something, and people ask me a lot what the right word is for something they wrote about in an essay that they're working on. Communication is an important skill in life, and I think that being able to effectively communicate what I want to people is a definitive part of my secret sauce. Finally, I think my determination is a part of what makes me unique. If I find something wrong with the world, I'll do whatever it takes, protest wherever I can go, or create any product to try and change that injustice. I get passionate about certain things, especially politics regarding inequality and people who are in need, and I think that's the most important secret ingredient of all.

2. My roommate (who I've known since middle school), Ciara:

She says that my determination, motivation, honesty, passion for social justice, artistic skills, and dependability are what make me different.

My brother (right):

He says that my determination is something he admires about me. He says that when I set my mind to do something I do it, and that's what makes me different.

My mom:

She says that I research really deeply about things I'm passionate about, that I am able to  focus, that I desire to do things well. She also says I'm good at seeing other people's talents and delegate accordingly in a group environment, that I stay even-keeled and work well under pressure, and I don't get frazzled under stress.

My dad:

He says my passionate temperament, intelligence, curiosity, and compassion make me difference. He also says that I'm inquisitive, approachable, unrelenting, and humanitarian.

One of my oldest friends, Cassie:

She says that what makes me different is that when I care about something I fight for it.

3. The things they said aligned a lot with my own perceived strengths, but to hear them say those things out loud and without any reservations felt really good. This assignment definitely gave me a confidence boost that I didn't really know I needed. I feel really empowered by the way the people closest to me perceive me, which makes me feel like I can conquer anything. There weren't really any differences in the strengths we all listed, but the way I said those strengths was more modest. For example, while I would say I'm studious and hard-working, my dad said I have razor sharp intelligence and am unrelenting. That's the kind of compliment that makes me get teary-eyed because it just feels so big. I don't think my number 1 needs any corrections, but maybe some upgrades since my interviews worded the same strengths much stronger.


  1. I was also in theatre in high school and I was involved in Model United Nations. I know what it’s like to go on stage or a podium and articulate thoughts and ideas. From this experience, I began to think about public speaking in general as a performance. It’s not just the words themselves, but how they’re said and with what emotion, energy, and body language they’re accompanied. I think that public speaking is an essential skill for a business leader.
    Being creative is also an extremely important skill to have. The ability to bring unrelated things together in a new way is a determining factor in a person’s success.
    From your interviews, I could gather that you are a very good student and someone who would be a good fit for a leadership position.
    I also like your desire to help people in need. Keep that in mind as you go along and you’ll be able to improve someone’s life.

  2. You definitely seem very confident, and I'm glad that everyone you spoke with agreed that you were passionate and motivated. Those are very important traits to have.
    It always feels great when you see yourself one way and everyone agrees with you, you almost get a sort of validation and feel as if you aren't quite as disconnected from the world as you might have thought you were. I would definitely update your number one to include what people said, as they were very descriptive!

  3. You definitely seem very confident, and I'm glad that everyone you spoke with agreed that you were passionate and motivated. Those are very important traits to have.
    It always feels great when you see yourself one way and everyone agrees with you, you almost get a sort of validation and feel as if you aren't quite as disconnected from the world as you might have thought you were. I would definitely update your number one to include what people said, as they were very descriptive!
