Friday, January 19, 2018

My Entrepreneurship Story

One time in my life that I experienced entrepreneurship that is particularly distinct is when my friend’s mom talked to my Girl Scout Troop about an invention she patented. She had invented this sippy-cup that hangs on the edge of the table part of a high chair for toddlers. Before, she had problems with losing her daughter’s sippy cups, but with the new cup she designed that clips onto the table, she always knew where it was and it was within reach of her daughter while eating. Before she patented it, it wasn’t really on the market, so she sold her idea to a bigger company and made money from it. She inspired all of the other moms there to feel empowered, that their day job didn’t have to necessarily be the entirety of their worth.

(It looked kind of like this, but with wider handles to hand better off the side of the table.)

I enrolled in ENT 3003 because I’m in Innovation Academy, and it is a critical tracking class for the program. I had never heard of the class before now and had not considered taking it until I realized I had to, but I’m glad I am taking it now. I hope to be inspired and informed on how to see problems in the world around me and have the confidence to say “I can (and will) fix that.”


  1. Your personal story of meeting an inventor of a type of sippy cup is moving. I am glad the young women in your Girl Scout troop were able to have that experience. Exposure to women role models and women with creative careers is an important catalyst to creating future female leaders I believe. My 12-year-old son is in Boy Scouts and we love the life lessons and opportunities the organization brings. Also, I am curious what is the Innovation Academy? Are you interested in being an inventor?

  2. One suggestion to help you improve in the future is to use the Preview feature in Blogger when writing your posts. It will let you preview what your draft post will look like on your blog. This could have helped prevent the formatting issues in the above post which made reading a bit difficult. Best of luck!
